Lauri and Sam Rodriguez -
This is one of the most fun and hilarious couples we know! It would be a shock if they weren't, as Sam has been in numerous plays and was deeply invested in theatre over the years. Lauri is the perfect fit for him as she compliments his outgoing and energetic lifestyle with a calming presence, but has that same energy and humor. They both have hearts for theatre, music, and God. Christ is in the center of their lives, and nothing is more evident of that than the year before they got married. She moved to New York after college to pursue musical theatre, while he was finishing school in California. On their wedding day, the love and emotion, knowing that they will never be apart again, mixed with a relief that the hard year was over, was something magical. Getting to capture another friends' wedding, at the beach no less, is always very special for us and we are so thrilled for them.